How to optimize hard drive
How to optimize hard drive

how to optimize hard drive how to optimize hard drive

For example, we can use the Windows 10 search engine to open this tool by typing “defragment” in it. We can reach the Windows 10 disk defragmenter in several ways. Thus, the program will keep our hard drives defragmented and SSD optimized without compromising them. There is a built-in utility in Windows 10 to optimize drives.

how to optimize hard drive

In fact, optimizing drive also helps you make your Windows 10 boot up faster. And in addition, this is able to differentiate between normal hard drives and SSD. Whether you have the traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) or Solid State Drives (SSDs), optimizing installed HDD/SSD is one of the best ways out there to speed up your Windows 10 PC. Windows 10, of course, has its own software to defragment hard drives. Windows has software to defragment files since the time of Windows 95, although it is true that this tool has changed a lot since then until now. How to defragment hard drives in Windows 10 However, even if the SSDs are not affected by fragmentation and do not have to be defragmented, there are some basic maintenance tasks for these units, such as placing the very divided files consecutively in the less used parts and sorting the most used files for be able to access them more easily. Therefore, although a file is divided into several smaller parts, this does not affect the performance of the computer, since the access times are the same as if it were all followed. That is, instead of having to move from position 1 to 10 through all positions, SSDs directly access position 10. Unlike hard drives (whose head is physically moved to various positions to access files), SSDs have random access.

How to optimize hard drive