It also increases the Reload Speed and Accuracy on successive hip-fire damage. The Exotic Perk, Fan Fire, means this weapon can be fired quickly continuously. We’re basing the following perk analysis on those listed on Destiny DB for The Last Word. The perks on The Last Word are likely to be set instead of random. The Impact is extremely powerful, and you’ve got to remember that accuracy is far higher when firing from the hip, which we’ll explore next in the perks. These stats aren’t phenomenal, but they’re pretty decent as far as a Hand Cannon is concerned. The hidden stats are Zoom 11, Inventory Size 40, Aim Assistance 40, and Recoil Direction 100.
The stats on the Destiny 2 version of The Last Word are Impact 78, Range 28, Stability 46, Handling 28, Magazine Size 8, Rounds Per Minute 180, and Reload Speed 82.