Star citizen 3.0 keybindings
Star citizen 3.0 keybindings

star citizen 3.0 keybindings

  • Ship Start Up: Approach the entry point of your ship, then press and hold "F" to activate the interaction system.
  • CIG has reserved the right to reset or disable long-term persistence (thereby deleting all earned currency and items purchased in-game) if certain exploits or database issues occur, and has stated their intent to carry out a long-term persistence reset at the end of the alpha or beta stages of Star Citizen's development. Long-term persistence is carried over across multiple patches and is indicated by Long Term Persistence: Enabled in the patch notes.

    star citizen 3.0 keybindings star citizen 3.0 keybindings

    This is indicated as Database Reset: YES in the patch notes. When a new patch is released, typically there is a database reset and characters and ships are returned to their default configurations.

  • The long-term persistence ledger stores purchase and currency records, such as earned aUEC, ship purchases, ship equipment purchases, and most FPS item purchases.
  • The database stores certain character information such as character location, location and status of ships, character customization, and player and ship loadouts.
  • In the Star Citizen Alpha, item and progression persistence are managed by two server-side systems: the universe database and the long-term persistence ledger. Added to the Persistent Universe in Star Citizen Alpha 3.8, this planet has three moons and a landing zone.
  • MicroTech - The farthest planet in Stanton's orbit.
  • Its orbited by two landable moons and has one major landing location, Area 18.

    star citizen 3.0 keybindings

    Added to the Persistent Universe in Star Citizen Alpha 3.5, this planet is completely covered by buildings and factories, making it the most uniquely looking planet in the system.

  • ArcCorp - The third planet in Stanton's orbit.
  • Added to the Persistent Universe in Star Citizen Alpha 3.3.5, orbited by four landable moons and the city Lorville located on the planet.
  • Hurston - Closest planet to the star Stanton.
  • Orison (added to the Persistent Universe in Star Citizen Alpha 3.14).
  • Later updates added more locations that could be chosen as the starting points for new players and in patches where player locations were reset. This gas giant was the focal point for the Persistent Universe in Star Citizen Alpha 3.0, orbited by three landable moons and the starting point of Port Olisar. Stanton is the first available system for players to explore, and it contains the following points of interest:

    Star citizen 3.0 keybindings